For more information and to volunteer, email us at Info.LevyCountyDemocrats@gmail.com
The Levy County Democratic Party stands for government working effectively at the local, state and federal levels for:
- The defense of democracy, the Constitution, and the rule of law.
- High quality public schools and excellent teachers.
- Affordable health insurance for everyone.
- Protection of the environment. We oppose the proposed Northern Turnpike Extension toll road that would seriously endanger water quality, wildlife habitats, and quality of life in Levy County.
- Commonsense gun safety, including universal background checks, safe storage laws, red flag laws, and a ban on the sale of assault weapons and high capacity magazines.
- Protection of reproductive rights.
All Democrats are welcome to serve as volunteers and to attend meetings of the Democratic Executive Committee and meetings of the clubs and caucuses. Please give us a call at 352-363-1622 or email Info.LevyCountyDemocrats@gmail.com for more information.