Levy County Democrats

We believe tolerance and the principle of “love thy neighbor” makes our society great, not anger and hate. We will always oppose injustice and stand up for the individual and the vulnerable in society. The Levy County Democratic Party believes that government should work For The People at the local, state and federal levels to defend democracy, the Constitution, and the rule of law. We believe that every Floridian deserves the freedom to be healthy, prosperous, and safe. We will continue championing common sense, people-centered policies.

  • The role of government is to guarantee justice under the law, provide equal opportunities to succeed, protect fundamental freedoms, allow people to live safe from violence, enjoy the freedom to vote in free and fair elections and to drink clean water and breathe clean air.

  • In addition, the Levy County Democratic Executive Committee strongly believes in the right of women to make decisions about their own bodies.

  • The riches of America belong to the people, who should share the benefits and have a say in their utilization.

Contact us via email at: [email protected]
Phone: (352) 363-1622. We use a Google Voice line, so please state your name at the prompt to be connected.

Join our Mailing List!

Let’s get to work

During these uncertain times, Levy Democrats are going to do everything we can to make sure that you know where to go for information you can trust and have clear directions for action. It is on us to make sure that we fight back and begin to organize and mobilize.
We want each of us to be vigilant at all levels of our community, from local government to county, state and national, and do what we can to protect the rights and protections reflective of our values; insist on fact and science-based decisions; and share the resources of our great nation to the benefit all while protecting the flora and fauna we share Earth with.

We promote the Democratic Party and our values through a variety of activities including:

  • Booths at festivals

  • Gathering Petitions

  • Participating in Community Events

  • Meet & Greet Socials

  • Sign Waving

  • Voter Registration & Vote By Mail Request Renewal

  • Get Out The Vote (GOTV) Campaigns

  • Mailings

  • Sign Waving for Elections

  • Phone Banking

  • Emails to Elected Officials

  • Newsletters

  • Fundraising Events

  • Letters to the Editor

  • Public Comment at government meetings

Members of the Levy County Democratic Executive Committee are elected every 4 years to represent Democrats in the 13 precincts in the county. Board officers are elected for 2-year terms.All registered Democrats are welcome to serve as volunteers and to attend meetings of the Democratic Executive Committee.

How to Run for Office

Current Meetings and Events

  • Next Levy Dems Meeting: Sunday, April 13th at 2 p.m. at the Dogan-Cobb Building in Bronson

  • April 1st: Municipal Elections in the following Cities: Bronson, Cedar Key, Inglis, Otter Creek and Yankeetown

  • April 1st: Elections for Cedar Key Water and Sewer

Donations & Contacts

Proud to be a Democrat! DONATE TODAY! Funds raised are used by the Levy County Democratic Executive Committee to reach out in a variety of ways to Democrats in all communities of Levy County. We will be growing our Democratic base in 2025 through positive engagement and a variety of events and campaigns.

Via Check:
Levy County Democratic Party
Post Office Box 693
Bronson, FL 32621

Contact us via email at: [email protected]
Phone: (352) 363-1622. We use a Google Voice line, so please state your name at the prompt to be connected.